Article Submissions

GTR History welcomes all students of the past to submit their original articles/essays to us for posting on the blog. There are no restrictions regarding the content of your work – this site is dedicated to preserving the legacy of ALL periods throughout American History – as we look to post the material of the younger generation of students and historians (this includes, but is not limited to high school, undergraduate, and graduate students) Please note that we do NOT pay our writers, but offer them the chance to have their voice heard and their skills recognized.

Submission guidelines are as follows:

1. Your work must be original and entirely your own

2. Article length is not an issue, but longer submissions may be split up into a series posted over a span of time

3. Your work must include endnotes or footnotes in the Chicago/Turabian style

4. If you would like any previously published material posted, please own the exclusive rights to your work

5. Please include a biography along with your submission that can give us and our readers a better sense of your  accomplishments, background, goals, and passion for history

6. All submissions will be reviewed and chosen by the editorial board and may be subject to modifications that the author will be given a chance to make

7. Written work must be submitted as a Word document with the author’s name at the top of the first page

Please send all of your submissions to

We look forward to reading your work!

GTR History


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